You need to study a large quantity of exam questions, even maybe that's unrelated to your real test, you need to prepare everything, although it's useless in your mind. Just to get certified, you should prepare all the things, study all the things, however, sometimes you get the opposite result, you failed after a long time spending on such things! How disappointed you are!
It's a good news to you that our site provides you everything you need to get your certification, let's take Cisco 640-760(Supporting Cisco Service Provider IP NGN Operations) for example. We all know it's a hot exam in IT industry, many people fail in the test after a long time hard working. Do you know why? They just spend time on the things that are unrelated!
1.Which three steps would you use to troubleshoot a performance-related problem in the network core?
(Choose three.)
A. define problem
B. analyze problem
C. determine affected users
D. create action plan
E. verify service-level requirements
Answer: A,B,D
2.Which two steps are best practices to be followed while documenting a network. (Choose two.)
A. Use proper icons for different devices in the network.
B. Use different colors and widths for denoting different links of different bandwidth.
C. Use same icons for all types of routers and switches in the network.
D. Avoid defining the router-id in the router label.
E. Use connectivity details of all layers of the OSI model in diagrams.
Answer: A,B
Engineers are providing updated as well as quality study guides on your Cisco 640-760 testing. It would be effective for your Cisco 640-760 candidates when they get the Cisco 640-760 study guide. Compare to the Cisco 640-760 Study Materials, Cisco 640-760 examination questions provides a study guide which provides you a complete knowledge of the basics of Cisco technologies. Cisco 640-760 Study Materialsis no longer hard with these crucial skills which predict answers to questions.
3.What is the advantage of using a passive monitoring technique?
A. does not require continuous measurement of traffic types
B. measures application-specific parameters per traffic classes
C. identifies issues and bottlenecks before they occur
D. no interference with live traffic
Answer: A
This is more than a Cisco 640-760 practice exam, this is a compilation of the actual questions and answers from the Cisco IT Technician test. Where our competitor’s products provide a basic 640-760 practice test to prepare you for what may appear on the exam and prepare you for surprises, the 640-760 exam questions are complete, comprehensive and guarantees to prepare you for your Cisco exam.
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