A happened chance, I found that many people bought the dumps in the same site online, so I entered! For their guarrantee of the passing score and the professional team, I wanted to have a try, so I asked my husband, after a short time agruing, we decided to buy! The after-sell service told me that I only need to learn all the MB6-818 dumps they provide. That's really an easy thing, we used one hour a day at our study, about 2 weeks later, we took the Microsoft AX 2009 Financials real test. Do you know what happened? All the questions were from their dumps! Of course we all passed! Now we get improved and earn a higher salary, but we do not satisfied, we will continue to work for more certifications, and for our better future!
1. The tax authority imposes special duties on an item. The duty amounts are added to the net amount before the Sales tax is calculated. Which of the following options of origin must be set up in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 to calculate the Sales tax?
A.Percentage of net amount
B.Percentage of gross amount
C.Percentage of Sales tax
D.Amount per unit
Answer: B
2. Sales tax group can be attached to which of the following options in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009? Choose the 3 that apply.
C.Ledger accounts
D.Ledger budget
Answer: BCD
From the internet you can surely search out many of such valuable information about Microsoft MB6-818 exams. There are number of websites are available in the internet that can offer the MB6-818 questions that are generally found in this MBS, exam. Many of the website also provides tutorial materials with the answer of these questions MBS, too. These materials provided by various websites need to be searched and they are very helpful for clearing this MBS, exam. All these questions Microsoft MB6-818 Exam and their answers are prepared by well qualified professionals, who have lots of experience in this AX 2009 Financials field.
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